Author: mardoogle

  • DO limit your intake of staining foods and liquids, such as coffee, wine, tea, colas, blue berry, spaghetti, and soy sauce; these are big strainers. Smoking is also culprit.

  • DO drink from a straw. It allows food dyes to bypass teeth.

  • DO calm tooth sensitivity by taking whatever relief medication you'd use for a headache.

  • DO eat lemon's and strawberries. according to American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, they're natural teeth whiteners.

  • DON'T rely on whitening toothpaste and mouthwash alone. These contain mild abrasives that can remove surface stains, but they do not contain bleach. Use them to maintain the result of a whitening treatment.

  • DON'T expect your pearly whites indefinitely to last after you've will need touch ups once
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On 26 March 2009 at 13:50 , Evita said...

Good tips! I advise people too to just plain stay away from artificial whiteners that are in those famous sticky strips for example today. They are way too abrasive and as you pointed out, don't last that long.

It is best to pick up good habits through what we eat and drink, that should always be our first line of defence!

On 17 May 2011 at 05:25 , Anonymous said...

There are a lot of good food out there that you can eat, don't you agree? And there are certainly other activities that are a lot of fun! But everyone has to remember that anything in excess is bad, right? These tips basically say the same! These are definitely great tips, Dr. Doogle!

Doris Pender